Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In the Beginning, There was Form and Substance

 Watercolors on  Paper
June 2009

Haiku Inspired by Painting
June 2009

   I did this when I began painting and drawing. All of my life I knew I was not artistic in a visual way. The people in my family who can draw and paint amaze me. I left it to them, until recently. I am unsure as to what inspired me to begin painting, which led to sketching and drawing. I am happy for it. Painting soothes a part of me that writing does not. 

   People have commented that this has a Monet effect. That was not my intention. I was "experimenting". Just messing around. Playing with my new learning set of watercolors. Forcing myself out of my comfort zone while exploring a new and healthy hobby. I wrote the haiku on the back to explain this.

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